About Us

Image credit: Sayo Studio, member since 2003


GNSI began when a small group of illustrators at the Smithsonian Institution in Washington, DC, convened in 1968 over a series of luncheons organized by Carolyn Bartlett Gast and Elaine R.S. Hodges. By December of that year they had written GNSI’s first constitution and chose Larry Isham as their president.

The original group connected illustrators working in different departments of the Smithsonian and allowed them to share techniques and ideas. Their frequent meetings soon blossomed into a published newsletter which became the seeds of several GNSI staples today: the Journal of Natural Science Illustration, the Education Series Workshops, and The Guild Handbook of Scientific Illustration.

GNSI Today

GNSI is a global non-profit professional organization for all artists who work in the realm of visual science communication, from illustration, animation, and comics to museum exhibits, photography, printmaking, video, and many others. We welcome U.S. members and international members with expertise in life and earth sciences, ranging from astronomy to molecular biology. 

The GNSI community is supportive, generous, passionate and energetic. Our 55-year history is a rich legacy in which new and seasoned members can participate. We provide professional development opportunities through educational workshops, publications, an annual conference, exhibits, and networking opportunities. We maintain high standards of competence and professional ethics by increasing communication among our members. We also seek to promote understanding of visual science communication among the public and potential clients.

Image credit: Jenn Beachler, member since 2023


The GNSI connects professionals who promote, educate and celebrate the visual communication of science.


We are an association of individuals who communicate science visually and clarify scientific ideas. GNSI brings together these individuals and provides networking and professional development opportunities.

Board of Directors

Our Board of Directors is made up of accomplished visual science communicators who believe in the importance of lifting up other professionals in the field. They share a conviction that science education and science literacy are made more accessible when visual arts are employed in the service of science. Board members are elected by our community and serve two-year terms, with the exception of President-Elect and Past-President (each serves a 1 year term). Are you motivated and interested in serving the GNSI community in this way? See all of our volunteer opportunities.


Deb K Haines

Read Bio

Gloria Fuentes

Read Bio


Mark Kesling

 Administrative Contractor

Virge Kask


Wendy Chadbourne, Stephen DiCerbo, Virge Kask

 Conference Co-Chairs

Volunteer Committees

  • Online & Communications Team

    Our Online Team manages our web presence. In today's connected world, this team is indispensible as they update our website, send out newsletter communications, manage our social media accounts, and help troubleshoot membership portal issues. 

    Social Media Manager

    Jenn Deutscher

    Newsletter Editor

    Sarah Creekmill

    Database Administrator

    Rebecca Gelernter

    Web Editors

    Connie Resch and Mariele Ford

  • Journal Editorial Team

    The Journal Team is responsible for creating an average of three published journals each year. This highly productive team invites authors to contribute articles, then copyedits, designs and lays out the journal before sending it to our publisher to be sent to membership. Volunteers in these roles gain valuable skills in art direction, production management, editing, copyediting, layout, and design.

    Managing Editor: 

    Fiona Martin

    Senior Consulting Editor: 

    Britt Griswold

    Layout Manager: 

    Sarah McNaboe 

    Layout Designer: 

    Autumn Von Plinsky 

    Technical Editor: 

    Caitlin O'Connell

    Copy Editors: 

    Kathleen Garness

    Anna McGaraghan

    Julianne Snider

    Laura Sohl-Smith

    Cheryl Wendling 

    Post-Production Specialists: 

    Jennifer Lucas

    Olivia Ambrogio

    Jen Wang

  • Year-Round Workshop Series Team

    Throughout the year, GNSI offers valuable professional development workshops for all levels. The Workshop Series Team works with our Education Director to plan and run these important events.

    We are currently looking for people to create and manage online workshops in 2025. Interested? Apply here.

    Gloria Fuentes, Education Director

    Lilly Linden

  • Visual SciComm Conference Planning Team

    The GNSI Visual SciComm Conference is our biggest event of the year, drawing hundreds of people from all over the world. In years when we meet in person, conference teams of up to 20 people coalesce in a concentrated geographical region to put on a conference for up to 200 people or more. Every other year, we hold our conference online, allowing us to engage a much broader audience and speaker line-up—the sky's the limit! Conference teams manage everything from programming to registration to the annual auction and Juried Members' Exhibit.  

    2023 Planning Team:

    Presentations Lead: Jen Christiansen

    Presentations Support: Lilly Linden, Ritika Sharma

    Logo: Mesa Shumacher

    Portfolio Sharing & Tweetstorm: Jenn Deutscher

    Juried Members' Exhibit: Jess Sorensen, Gloria Fuentes, Kalliopi Monoyios

    Jurors: Alex Warnick, Beth Zaiken, Joris de Raedt, Anna Kaye

    Host: Sara Taliaferro

    Event Admins: Morgan McCullin, Mark Kesling, Britt Griswold

    Tech Team: Deb Shaw, Lilly Linden, Cordelia Norris, Gloria Fuentes, Deborah Morgan

    Website: Andrew McAfee

    Grants Committee: Marla Coppolino, Elizabeth Morales

    Merchandise: Caitlin O'Connell

    Newsletter: Trenton Jung

    Additional Support: Joel Floyd

  • Conference Oversight Committee

    The Conference Oversight Committee (COC) consists of volunteers who have experience putting on conferences in past years. They help guide the current team of conference planners and look ahead to recruit future planning teams. 

    Chair: Open

    Committee Members:

    Amelia Janes

    Britt Griswold

    Deb Shaw

    Joel Floyd

    Scott Rawlins

    Elizabeth Morales

    Robin Carlson

    Sara Taliaferro

    Stephen DiCerbo

    Jenn Deutscher

    Tricia Cassady

    Mark Kesling

    Virge Kask

    Kalliopi Monoyios

  • Education Fund Grants Committee

    The Education Fund Committee meets twice a year to evaluate applications for funding from the Education Fund. Under the direction of the Education Director on the Board, they award grants up to $1500 to project proposals submitted by members. Applications are due April 1 and October 1 of each year. To learn more, visit our Education Fund information page.


    Gloria Fuentes, Education Director


    Amanda Almon

    Lucy Gagliardo

    Nancy Hart

    MaryBeth Hinrichs

    Frank Ippolito

    Christina Spence Morgan

    Kimberley Moss

  • Accessibility Committee

    The Accessibility Committee advises the Board on policies that might further our efforts to make GNSI open to people from all walks of life. As part of this work, they run the application process for grants from our newly founded Accessibility Grants Fund.

    Accessibility Committee:

    Marla Coppolino

    Elizabeth Morales

  • Nominations & Awards Committee

    The Nominations & Awards Committee help the Board identify individuals who are qualified for leadership positions within the organization. They also nominate and distribute awards to members who have gone above and beyond in making GNSI the vibrant institution it is to this day.

Image credit: Mafalda Paiva, member since 2011

Interested in volunteering?

Drop us a line:

Sign up to our newsletter

Image credit: Claudia Roman, member since 2021

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