Please send your abstract of approximately 100-200 words, along with one or two low-res images, if available, that support your topic to the Journal Team member who contacted you; or you can reach us here: Once your topic is accepted, you will be assigned an editor who will work with you throughout the process.
Figure approximately 500 words per page with 1-3 images per page. Our articles vary considerably in length. Feature articles normally run 3-5 pages, smaller pieces (like book reviews) may run one page or less.
We require high-res images (minimum 300 dpi at print size, on an 8.5x11” page), preferably tif files, but high-res jpgs or pdfs may work; if your image has a lower resolution, your editor will advise if it is acceptable.
PLEASE NOTE: In order to fit images into a layout, we often have to resize or reposition elements of that image, which could render the built-in labels unreadable. If you have an image with labels, please send us a low-res copy with labels, and a native high-res file without labels; we will reconstruct the labels (and accompanying arrows, lines or other added graphics) to suit the layout.
Once your article is ready to submit, please prepare the text in a Word or similar document. Place your images and your text document in a folder and compress the folder. If your files are large, we can provide a URL for upload.
Your editor will work with you to refine the wording for clarity if needed, edit for length, and look for any discrepancies or omissions. Your editor will also check the images you provide for quality, copyright issues, suitability for the topic, etc.
The journal requires authors to get get signed permission forms for any content that is to appear in the Journal. In most cases this is not a problem, as the author is the owner of the text and images. If you include other's work, permission from them will be needed as well. If a very few instances where material may qualify as "Fair Use" without permission required, please work with your editor to confirm the use.
Articles are vetted by the Journal staff, all of whom are GNSI professionals themselves. Highly technical articles are generally reviewed by GNSI members accepted as experts in the subject, or by outside experts for accuracy and clarity.
Your editor will contact you from time to time during the issue layout process as needed. Once the entire layout is complete, you will receive a pdf proof of your article pages. Please look these over carefully, and alert us to any mistakes, omissions, etc.; corrections will be made and, if needed, a second proof will be sent to you. The issue will go to press with what you approve at this stage. Please reply promptly!
As an author, you will receive one copy of the issue for your files (in addition to the regular copy if you receive the print edition). Extra print copies may be available, please ask! PDF copies are available from the website.
Image credit: Frances Fawcett, member since 1988
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