Grants & Scholarships

Image credit: Emerson Harman, member since 2022

Educating the Next Generation

The GNSI is dedicated to providing equal opportunities to all who are interested in pursuing a career in visual science communication. Below are the current opportunities for grants and scholarships open to members and non-members. If you would like to contribute to these opportunities or discuss the creation of new opportunities, please let us know!

Current Funding Opportunities:

Donald B. Sayner Student Scholarship

Eligibility: College students studying science and art
Deadline to apply: August 15, 2024, 11:59pm EDT
Notifications sent: September 15, 2024


Since its inception at the Smithsonian Institution over 50 years ago, the GNSI has fostered a community that is supportive, generous, and passionate about increasing science literacy through exceptional imagery. One of GNSI's hallmarks is identifying and nurturing students who want to learn more about science illustration. 

Donald B. Sayner taught scientific illustration at the University of Arizona Biological Sciences Department for over 35 years. Thousands of students who loved science and art took his classes, and many went on to careers in a variety of scientific disciplines. Sayner was a passionate teacher, and this scholarship exists to honor his legacy. 

Each year, one scholarship will be awarded to a college student for a one-year GNSI membership. To be considered for this scholarship, students must be studying science and art in college with the goal of improving their skills in scientific illustration.

Sales of Sayner's book Drawing for Scientific Illustrations: Technique and Rendering directly benefit this scholarship fund.

Accessibility Grant Fund

Image credit: Astolfo Mata, member since 2019

Eligibility: Anyone interested in visual science communication
Deadline to apply: Opens with Visual SciComm conference registration
Notifications sent: Rolling basis

Since 2020, GNSI was able to offer 23 small grants to both members & non-members in an effort to help ease the financial burden for those interested in attending our online conferences. These grants brought us new outstanding members and gave recipients the opportunity to jump into the world of scientific illustration/visual science communication.

Applications for Accessibility Grants are sent out with conference registration material each year.

If you would like to help us continue to support visual science communicators in the future and encourage accessibility within our organization, please donate to the Accessibility Grant Fund! All donations are tax-deductible. 

Education Fund Grants

Eligibility: Active GNSI members
Deadline to apply: April 1 and October 1 of each year
Notifications sent: approximately 1 month after applications close

The Education Fund consists of money raised by the Annual Conference Auction and is designed to help support events that GNSI Chapters and individual members organize. Proposals must be educational in nature, demonstrate additional sources of funding (may include donations), and cannot benefit the applicant directly (i.e. you cannot request an instructor fee for a workshop you want to offer.)

In the past, successful applications have received funds to:

  • host a workshop with an instructor a GNSI Chapter is eager to learn from
  • support an exhibit showcasing contemporary visual science communicators' work
  • create educational events that inform the public about the power of visual science communication

The GNSI Education Committee reviews applications twice yearly and recommendations are sent to the Board of Directors for additional review and final approval. Grant amounts range from $200-$1500. Applications may be funded in full or in part based on merit. Please note: Applications for food and alcohol will not be funded.

Send applications to the GNSI Education Director.

For more information, download the GNSI Education Fund Guidelines and Application Form, or contact the GNSI Education Director with any questions.

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