Journal of Natural Science Illustration Vol. 54, No. 3 : Abstracts

GNSI • December 31, 2022
JNSI Vol. 54 No. 3 cover art

Journal of Natural Science Illustration Volume 54, No. 3

Welcome to the third Journal edition of 2022!
To inspire you, we offer you excellent and innovative stories in this issue. The journal begins with a recap of our third online Visual SciComm Conference, an introduction to 19th century author and illustrator William Hamilton Gibson, Erin E. Hunter’s process for creating a large pollinator piece of artwork, a book review about the Cold Canyon Fires, an article about modern Medical Illustrators’ challenges, some photoshop tips for your traditional illustrations, an overview of Kathleen Garness’ grant project identifying orchids, and a Memoriam to the late illustrator Peg Estey. Thank you to all our contributors!

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Flowers and Butterfly, GNSI Visual SciCom Conference Logo

GNSI’s Third Online Conference a Success

-Kalliopi Monoyios

Kapi reviews the GNSI’s 3rd online Visual SciComm Conference, August 12-14 2022.

William Hamilton Gibson, Self Portrait, reprinted courtesy of the Gunn Historical Museum

Who was William Hamilton Gibson?

-Mary Ellen Carsley

A short history of Connecticut-born illustrator William Hamilton Gibson’s varied career. One of his varied accomplishments was as illustrator and author for Harper’s Magazine of many articles depicting life, flora and fauna of New England - years after being advised during a 2-week work trial period at the publication that he should not pursue art!

< William Hamilton Gibson, Self Portrait, reprinted courtesy of the Gunn Historical Museum

“Look Closer” final art, 40” x 30” acrylic on Arches watercolor paper, ©2021 Erin Hunter.

Creating a Fine Art Painting: From Research to Exhibit (Open Access)

-Erin E. Hunter

GNSI member Erin Hunter gives an overview of her career beginnings, her influences, and the processes that led to her creation of “Look Closer”; a large acrylic painting of California’s bee pollinators that marries her scientific illustration skills with her graphic design background.

Pages from The Cold Canyon Fire Journals: Green Shoots and Silver Linings in the Ashes. Flowers and Pollinators. ©2022 Robin Lee Carlson

Book Review: The Cold Canyon Fire Journals: Green Shoots and Silver Linings in the Ashes by Robin Lee Carlson (Open Access)

-Linda M. Feltner

Linda M. Feltner gives an overview of Robin Lee Carlson’s book. Through text and sketchbook illustrations, Robin documents the devastation from wildfires, and remarkable resilience of nature at Cold Canyon in California, USA, from a naturalist’s point of view.

Translational Research Cycle of Knowledge Development and Publication

Illustrating the Unknown in Translational Research: How the Artist, the Investigator, the  Engineer, and the Physician Collaborate to Create Medical Innovation

-Holly R. Zink and Suzanne Sadilek

An overview of various challenges a Medical Illustrator takes on as standards and methods of medical illustration have changed with new technology, and the dual roles needed to communicate complex concepts internally between engineers, grant investigators, and physicians, and then redirect that communication on these medical breakthroughs to the broader public audience.

Rough sketch, scanned sketch and final art ©2022 Gail Guth

Using Photoshop to Speed up and Refine Composition and Layout

-Gail Guth

Gail presents tips for using Photoshop to help her make a traditional illustration faster, using layers and different views in the program to decide on color and composition.

Spiranthes complex, Chiwaukee-Waukegan beach ridge plain species ©2022 Kathleen Marie Garness

Intersections between orchids, science, and advocacy

-Kathleen Marie Garness

Kathleen describes her documentation of orchid species in the 4000-acre Chiwaukee-Waukegan lake plain of southeast Wisconsin, USA as a grant project, and the things she learned along the journey (including witnessing an emergency save of a threatened species’ habitat from construction during a bio-blitz!).

Spiny Anteater ©Peg Estey

In Memoriam Margaret L. (Peg) Estey 1937-2022

-Jane Neroni

A remembrance of this wonderful scientific illustrator and instructor’s accomplishments.

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By Dorie Petrochko December 31, 2024
September 2024 marks the fifteenth year of the Yale Peabody Museum’s Natural Science Illustration Program. The program was launched in 2009 by four professional artists and members of the Guild of Natural Science Illustrators: Cindy Gilbane, Susannah Graedel, Dorie Petrochko, and Jan Prentice. 
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The title seems to indicate this is yet another drawing instruction manual, but the author, Linda Miller Feltner, instead invites us to join her on a lifelong journey in artistic fulfillment through personal discovery.
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Welcome to the second edition of 2024! The second 2024 issue of The Journal features a medical illustrator's journey into printmaking with step-by-step techniques, a review of Linda Feltner's book on her creative process, insights into Catherine Hu's mentorship of Scientific Illustration interns at the Field Museum, and an exploration of Yale Peabody's Natural Scientific Illustration program. Log into your account to view the Journal: JNSI 2024 Vol. 56, No. 2 Not yet a subscriber? To view the issue for free, become a GNSI member today!
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