Welcome to the second edition of 2017!
There is always something fascinating and informative in every issue of the GNSI Journal, and this issue is no exception! Take the plunge into a dinosaur makeover, the story of an amazing sci-art career, the Focus On Nature exhibit awards and overview, two new GNSI Groups, A ZBrush tutorial and ZBrush Education Series review, lovely sketchbook pages, and social media links for the GNSI Asheville Conference.
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Facial Makeover of a New Theropod Dinosaur
— Dino Pulerà
Almost every week there seems to be a new dinosaur discovery, and the week of March 30th, 2017 was no exception. What makes this discovery different is that it not only proposed a rare mode of evolution but also suggested a whole new appearance for tyrannosaurs themselves…. I was thrilled and honored to have been the first person to bring this magnificent beast to life.
Member Spotlight (open access)
— Natalya Zahn
Like so many artists, and so many more scientific illustrators, I have spent my lifetime wondrously inspired by the natural world. The path to my current career in illustration has been somewhat roundabout, and due to a lack of formal training in the sciences I will likely always suffer from a little impostor syndrome when labeled a scientific illustrator. Nonetheless, nature has been a consistent guide throughout my life and work, and I have found a remarkably broad audience for my particular style.
Chapter Happenings: Welcome Two New GNSI Groups!
Chapters and Groups provide a valuable local connection to GNSI members, and the opportunity to participate more directly in science art activities, exhibits and camaraderie throughout the year. Members are encouraged to join a Chapter or Group in their region, or if there is none, consider forming your own. Start with a Group, a slightly less formal arrangement, to see if there is a solid commitment to maintaining the organization, then progress to Chapter status at your own pace.
3D to 2D Pipeline: Digital Modeling Techniques (A ZBrush® Tutorial)
— Leonardo Alannis, with Britt Griswold
This article aims to provide you with useful 3D tools for executing your 2D visualizations. This workflow will provide a friendly and streamlined approach in bridging the gap between 3D and 2D media. If you’re a traditional artist, this experience will show you how 3D can be used to enhance your illustrations. If you already have digital experience, I’d like to present you with more advanced techniques to incorporate in your arsenal.
Pages From My Sketchbook: Interior & Exterior Landscapes
Heart Dissection, Mesa Schumacher
“Here I drew a healthy heart, and a greatly enlarged heart with a pacemaker inserted into the superior vena cava."
Waterfall, Jennifer Landin
"El Yunque National Forest in Puerto Rico is the only tropical rainforest ecosystem in the U.S. Forest Service.”
LEVELING UP IN ZBRUSH®: 2016 GNSI Education Series Workshop
— by Sara Taliaferro with Amanda Zimmerman
GNSI members met at the Indiana-Purdue Fort Wayne (IN) campus for a two-day, immersion experience in using ZBrush. Taught by David Killpack, Principal & Creative Director at Illumination Studios who uses ZBrush for science and medical illustration, the workshop did not disappoint. ZBrush is a program that allows the user to build 3D and 2D models, manipulating form much like using clay in a sculpture.
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