Gerald (Jerry) Hodge received the Special Service Award in 2012 for his long-term dedication to the Guild. Jerry actively participated in GNSI over many years, writing technique articles for the Newsletter and Journal, co-authoring chapters in the Handbook and giving many presentations and workshops. Several GNSI members had the privilege of studying under him at the University of Michigan and many have been inspired by his exquisite work over the years. Lew Sadler, a former student, called him a National Treasure. Jerry was a gifted educator, making all of his students feel capable, nurtured, and well trained. When he suggested corrections it was always in the gentlest manner but always spot-on which inspired long-lasting results in our work. His positive spirit was an inspiration.
Gerald Hodge passed away on June 7th, 2012 at the age of 91.
Award presented by President Suzanne Wegener
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