Amelia Janes received the Distinguished Service Award in 2017. In consideration for her service on the GNSI Board, her conference involvement, her GNSI Chapter work, and countless behind the scenes efforts and connections (and the occasional maps rendered for the Guild) it was with great pleasure that GNSI’s Board of Directors awarded the Distinguished Service Award to Amelia Janes. The Distinguished Service Award is given in recognition of long-term dedication and work within and on behalf of this organization.
Since 1996, she has been contracting and freelancing illustrations for geography and history teaching aids and textbooks. She co-authored and co-illustrated an award-winning atlas of history for Wisconsin, she wrote Illustrating Earth Sciences, as well as a chapter for the second edition of the GNSI Handbook.
Her desire to develop her carbon dust technique helped lead her to the Guild. In workshops with Elaine Hodges, she learned how to trim and single sable brushes to make custom shapes, developing a “dry” tonal painting which merged her art school training, skills in interpretation, and rendering ability.
She has served as Membership and Recording Secretary for GNSI. Past President Clara Richardson learned from her what it is to have a right hand person, a steadying force for achievement. She also helped establish the Great Lakes Chapter.
Amelia finished her four-year presidential commitment to the GNSI Board at the end of the 2017 conference.
Her most recent contributions include conceiving of this year’s conference, vetting this venue, promoting the region, and working with her amazing husband, Paul, to serve as the local expert and networker, a job they are particularly suited for since they live in the
western mountains of North Carolina.
Amelia joined GNSI in 1991.
Award presented by President Linda Feltner
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